The Yanjiao Electronic Health Records (EHR) project aims to address the challenge of separate information systems and lack of data exchange among hospitals in Yanjiao, Sanhe City. Our objective is to develop a unified medical management platform by analyzing and migrating data from a sample database obtained from one of the hospitals.

In this project, I took on the task of inferring the meaning of each table and column in the database since they were labeled with acronyms and lacked documentation. I utilized SQL queries and data analysis techniques to cleanse the data, remove duplicate columns and records, and aggregate relevant information. The goal was to create a cohesive and standardized data structure for the new platform.

To enhance data visualization and provide insightful analytics, I developed interactive chart views for the platform’s dashboard. These views, built using HTML, CSS, and D3.js, allowed users to explore various metrics such as medicine usage across different departments and daily patient numbers.

The project’s highlights include the successful extraction, transformation, and migration of data from heterogeneous databases across multiple hospitals into a unified medical information system. Additionally, the development of interactive visualization tools using D3.js enhanced data exploration and decision-making capabilities.

Skills utilized throughout the project include Python for data manipulation, D3.js for interactive visualization, MySQL for database management, and Pandas for data analysis. The project also involved leveraging the MapReduce paradigm for efficient processing of large datasets.

Through the Yanjiao EHR project, we aimed to revolutionize medical management in the region by consolidating data, improving data quality, and providing powerful visualization tools to aid healthcare professionals in their decision-making processes.