Please find my Google Scholar Profile for a comprehensive overview of my research and academic contributions. Below, you will find a curated selection of my notable publications:

  1. ApneaDetector: Detecting Sleep Apnea with Smartwatches
  2. Smartphone-Based Point-of-Care Microfluidic Platform Fabricated with a ZnO Nanorod Template for Colorimetric Virus Detection
  3. SleepMonitor: Monitoring Respiratory Rate and Body Position During Sleep Using Smartwatch
  4. BordaRank: A ranking aggregation based approach to collaborative filtering
  5. Mining Frequent Sequential Patterns and Association Rules on Campus Map System
  6. ConferenceOne: A cloud-based collaborative conference service system
  7. Location-based social networking information services in university campus
  8. Location-based service using ontology and collaborative recommendation
  9. Web-based multi-level smart card access control system on university campus
  10. Software copyright: User Profile Analyzing System.