RoboCar: 5G Cellular Remote Driving Robot Car

Best Device Application Award, International oneM2M Hackathon 2022

Smart Healthcare Clinical Research and Development

Our sleep quality monitoring system utilizes off-the-shelf smartwatches to collect wrist sensor data during sleep. By applying signal processing and deep learning algorithms, we estimate respiration rate, detect breathing patterns, and classify abnormal respirations for sleep apnea detection. We also developed a prototype app for Android and Apple devices to process collected sensor data.

Tsinghua HRMS Group Mangement Service

The Tsinghua HRMS Group Management Service project streamlined group management within the university’s HR system, enabling administrators to create and manage groups, control member permissions, and access resources through a RESTful web service and Oracle database.

National B2B e-Commerce Platform

The project included the development of an advertising server, RESTful service for click-through rate counting and recommendation, and an on-site search engine. This project demonstrates my expertise in web service development, collaborative filtering, ranking algorithms, and ad server and search engine integration.

Yanjiao Electronic Health Records

This project created a unified medical management platform for hospitals, involving data migration, cleansing, and D3.js visualization. Showcasing expertise in database management, data analysis, and visualization.